Surprising Sounds You’ll Notice with Your New Hearing Aids

woman gathering produce from her very green garden

If you’ve just had your hearing aids fitted, there are a few sounds you’ll begin to notice as you adjust to your new devices. Some may seem surprising initially, but with a little time and patience, you’ll get used to them in no time! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common sounds people notice when they start wearing hearing aids. Stay tuned for more information on how to make the transition as smooth as possible!

Unfamiliar Loudness

One of the most common sounds you’ll notice with your new hearing aids is a sudden increase in loudness. This happens because hearing aids amplify sound for you to hear it better, so familiar sounds will seem louder than before. However, you may also experience some unfamiliar noises, as background noise that was previously too faint can become more noticeable.

A change in the sound quality of your environment may also accompany this. For example, you may notice that your voice sounds different to how it did before. However, it is important not to be alarmed; this phenomenon is only temporary and will soon pass as you get used to having hearing aids on.

High-Pitched Buzzing

A common sound you may hear with your hearing aids is a high-pitched buzzing or humming. This sound is usually caused by electronic interference from cellphones, radios and other nearby electronic devices. The interference can cause the hearing aid to pick up the signal and create noise. If this happens, try turning off the device or moving away from it so it’s not directly next to your head. Also, don’t forget to turn off your hearing aids when not in use to avoid interference.

White Noise

Another sound that many people experience with their hearing aids is white noise. This low-level hissing or static sound can come on suddenly or increase gradually over time. It’s important to understand why this happens and how to address it if you’re experiencing it. White noise can be caused by various things, including damage to the hearing aids themselves or a buildup of wax in your ear canal.

If you’re experiencing white noise, it’s important to speak with a hearing instrument specialist and have them check your hearing aids and clean out any wax buildup. You can eliminate the white noise by addressing the issue quickly and correctly.


The last sound you may notice with your hearing aids is feedback. This is a high-pitched squeal or whistling that comes from your hearing aid. It can be caused by a variety of things, such as earwax, moisture or even the shape of your ear canal blocking the sound from getting through. You may also experience feedback when using phones or devices that are too close to your hearing aids.

Fortunately, feedback is usually easy to fix. In most cases, it helps to clean out any wax build-up in your ears and ensure you’ve inserted the hearing aids correctly and securely into place. If this doesn’t solve the problem, then there could be an issue with your device, and you might need to take it to a hearing instrument specialist for further testing and adjustment.

Background Sounds

Finally, you might notice that you start to hear more background sounds. This is because hearing aids amplify sound, so even faint sounds can be heard. This can include birds chirping, running water, the rustling of leaves or even the clock ticking. For some people, these sounds can initially seem overwhelming because their hearing has been impaired for so long that they forgot about them. With time, however, you will get used to them again and perhaps even appreciate them!


You’ll also discover that voices sound different than before – this is because your hearing aids amplify speech and background noise. You may find it easier to understand conversations in noisy environments such as parties or crowded restaurants. Your new hearing aids enable you to hear both loud and soft voices, so you can enjoy conversations more easily.

Overall, it’s important to remember that the sounds you experience with your new hearing aids are normal and will become more natural over time. The most important thing is to be patient as you adjust to life with hearing aids – you may even start to appreciate the surprising sounds that come with them! With proper care and maintenance, your hearing aids will last for years to come.

So, take the time to get used to them, and don’t hesitate to seek help from a hearing instrument specialist at Galco Hearing Aid Service at (281) 245-0520 if you ever have any concerns.