Hearing Health Blog

smiling couple gesturing towards their ears

Tips For Communicating With Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can have a profound impact on an individual’s ability to communicate effectively. The ability to hear and understand speech is crucial for social interactions, learning, and emotional well-being. When hearing loss occurs, it can lead to difficulties in understanding speech, following conversations, and identifying the direction of sound. Communication breakdowns can cause frustration, […]

smiling hearing loss patient is struggling to hear properly

The 4 Different Types of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the word we use to refer to sounds coming from an internal source inside the body, particularly when there’s no external source around to make them. It’s much more common than many realize – nearly 50 million people in the United States alone report symptoms, and can interrupt daily activities and cause stress […]

a hearing professional is showing her patient how to use a hearing aid

5 Mistakes Every New Hearing Aid Owner Makes

When you first get your hearing aids, you must be aware of the potential mistakes you could make. Unfortunately, many new hearing aid owners are unsure of what to do when they first get their devices, which can lead to some problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the five most common mistakes new […]

blue hearing aid in palm of hand

How to Pair Your Hearing Aids with your iPhone

Modern technology has expanded the capabilities of hearing aids, and as such, they are becoming more and more adapted to modern lifestyles to offer wearers an enhanced hearing experience. For small devices, hearing aids offer a great range of functionalities for those living with hearing loss. One such capability is pairing your hearing aid with […]

family fishing on vacation

5 Tips for Better Hearing While Traveling

Travel is a wonderful experience for everyone. Going out and exploring the world can enrich your life in many ways. Whether you have hearing loss or not, ensuring you get the most from your trip is vital. However, suppose you wear hearing aids or have some level of hearing loss. In that case, you need […]

woman giving gift to her child

7 Gift Ideas for Loved Ones with Hearing Loss

Buying gifts for a special someone can be tricky. Knowing what to buy someone or a gift is something they will love and add value to their life can be hard work. This is even more complicated when you factor in different lifestyles and requirements. Buying a gift for someone with hearing loss can add […]

hearing specialist using a specialized tool to examine patients inner ear

9 Surprising Causes of Hearing Loss

For obvious reasons, continual exposure to loud noises (generally considered as those above 70dBs) is the leading cause of hearing loss and is something that most of us take at least some steps to avoid. However, with as many as 20% of the global population experiencing hearing loss at some stage, it’s also plain to […]

blue hearing aid in palm of hand

What are the Benefits of BTE Hearing Aids?

Hearing loss is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to mean the end of your social life or your ability to enjoy life. Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are one solution that can help you regain some of your lost hearing and improve your quality of life. Here are just a few of the benefits […]